Shared by on Twitter, this tie-in recounts events from Palpatine's perspective as he explains that his 'consciousness transferred into a new body on Exegol.' However, 'even after years of experimentation, the cloning techniques employed by my acolytes were inadequate. Well, things are cleared up a little in new book, Star Wars: The Secrets of the Sith. Palpatine was just back, and fans of the Star Wars franchise were left to fill in the gaps themselves.
The biggest issue, however, was the lack of any sort of explanation.
What should have been an epic, exciting reveal disappointed many due to how rushed his return was and the fact it had never really been teased in The Force Awakens or The Last Jedi. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker proved itself the most divisive of all the sequels, not least because it brought Emperor Palpatine back from the dead.